Saturday, November 22, 2008

How Vested Interest in Selling Pharmaceutical Drugs May be Having an Adverse Affect on Your Health
Paul Phillips

The major contributor to the big picture of health is the pharmaceutical company's research and development (R&D, where the making of new drugs begins. There are other research institutions outside of pharmaceutical companies, such as universities. The drug companies however, fund many of these.In spite of all the clinical trials that go on, it is worth remembering it was reported that 106,000 died from adverse drug side effects prescribed by doctors on the advice of pharmaceutical companies in the USA. That, of course, doesn't even take into consideration the numbers that were made ill and lived, or the unreported incidents.The public at large have no idea how a new drug therapy can be made in R&D and get through trials in a somewhat uncritical manner. We have already seen how vested commercial interest has swayed the outcome when it comes to academia. It also extends to R&D and much further, as I will explain.From a study, made by Dr E.G Campbell et. al. it was found that advisory panels, which comprise the Institutional Revue Boards, are made up of individuals from medical faculties. Half of the advisors were consultants to pharmaceutical companies. Because of these connections, it was feared that decisions regarding post-clinical trials would be biased in favour of commercialism rather than care.Following this, 'Health Daily News' released a news report. This was the follow up to the above study from its main author Doctor E.G Campbell who was quoted in the periodical saying: "Our revious research with faculty has shown us that heavy ties to industry can affect scientific behaviour, leading to such things as trade secrecy and delays in publishing research. It is impossible to say that similar relationships with companies could effect IRB members' activities and attitudes."Considering the above, ABC news came up with some very interesting revelations from a survey on clinical drug trials:It was found that if a non-pharmaceutical company funded a trial, then there would be a 50% chance of the results being considered favourable, while a pharmaceutical company would favour 90% of the results.-Clearly this shows self-interest is operating. If clinical trials have so much at stake commercially, where self-interest can affect good science and override public protection then this questions the moral integrity of certain individuals and hinders the progress of health.Over the recent years, governments have cut down on funding academia and research institutions. -Big Pharma steps in, with its forever increasing funding. For example, the drug industry gave two hundred and ninety two million dollars in 1981 and over two billion in 1991...not out of the goodness of its heart of course, but because of the control it could exert over these bodies.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Effective Acne Scar Removal Methods
By: Lesley Lyon
Our body texture is very much delicate as any damage or injury to it might cause the formation of scar, which looks very odd. The scar totally depends on the depth, size, location or incision of the injury and is also on the factors such as age, heredity, sex etc. as all these will influence the skins reaction.Individual with the acne scars can get to know the treatment from a dermatologist. Normally, scar removal or smoothing can be done in different methods depending on the criteria such as the person's age, health condition and severity of the acne. The seriousness of scarring will be more if the person is suffering from severe acne, as this type of acne will leave a permanent scar compared to other types of acne say mild and moderate. So to avoid acne scars, it is better to get treatment immediately when the acne appears, rather than postponing the treatment till the acne becomes severe.Removal of acne scar is treated in different ways which are as follows: Dermabrasion, Laser Resurfacing, Chemical Peels, Punch Techniques and Augmentation. These treatments are different from each other on price as well as effect. So the treatment is purely based on the acne and it differs from person to person.Dermabrasion is the process where the top layers of the skin will be removed with an abrasive instrument similar to an electric sander. This method leaves the skin red, but after the scar is treated the skin will have smoother and healthier appearance. Laser Resurfacing is now becoming popular and the doctors also recommend for the same, because of the lasting effects and minimal recurrence of the problem areas. Through this treatment, the damaged skin will be handled carefully by moving in small strokes by using a high-energy light.Chemical peels are commonly used by doctors and patients when the acne scar is not severe. A chemical is applied to the skin where the acne scar is affected and left there for a few minutes. It is a peel of chemical which helps remove the top layer of the skin and later it allows for regeneration of new and healthier skin.Punch Technique is a method of removing scars by taking a small portion of skin from one part of the body and transplanting it to the scar area. The portion of skin tissue purely depends upon the amount required and it will be taken from the inner part of the thigh.Augmentation will help raise the crater-like scars, when the injection is given under an acne scar which has been formed by severe acne. Collagen is a temporary treatment which has to be repeated on a regular basis in case the scar is not deep and it can be injected below the skin to replace the damaged cells and pores.To decide on an acne scar treatment an individual has to consider the money part, long and the short term reactions about scar removal from a dermatologist. After all, the acne scars cannot be removed completely and having the same skin texture like before is not possible, but it is apparent that treatments will make the scar substantially reduced.Visit for tackling all acne related problems. The website on skin care - helps find solutions for maintaining a glowing skin.