Sunday, November 9, 2008


Functions of Vitamin C, Vitamin C Overdose and Deficiency

also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin which is essential for normal functioning of the body. Unlike most mammals, humans don't have the ability to make their own vitamin C. We must therefore obtain vitamin C through our diet

.Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that is included in a range of skin care

preparations ranging from toners and cleansers to serums, moisturizers and eye creams. It can deliver a range of benefits to skin. Skin care specialists recommend the inclusion of antioxidants in your skin care routine and Vitamin C is one that not only delivers, but that also has significant clinical research to back up its efficacy.Vitamin C plays a vital rule in producing collagen, the key protein in the body's connective tissue including our cartilage, ligaments, and bones. As many skin cream ads say, collagen also controls our skin's elasticity and strength. Without enough collagen, our tissues become so feeble and damaged, that we develop a condition known as Scurvy. Although this condition can be fatal, you're unlikely to develop it with a modern diet.Some of the more common signs of mild Vitamin C Deficiency include weakness, lassitude, swollen gums, nosebleeds and scurvy. Possible reasons which can result in this deficiency include inadequate diet, alcoholism and homelessness. There are some other risk factors which can ultimately result in Vitamin C Deficiency. Babies borne from women who take higher levels of Vitamin C during late pregnancy are two to three times more likely to develop wheezing when they reach two years of age.The use of vitamin C in the prevention/treatment of the common cold and respiratory infections remains controversial, with ongoing research. For cold prevention , more than 30 clinical trials including over 10,000 participants have examined the effects of taking daily vitamin C. Overall, no significant reduction in the risk of developing colds has been observed. Higher levels of Vitamin C are needed when under environmental stress such as trauma, fever or infection. Full saturation is reached with daily intakes of 200-500 mg per day (in 2-3 divided doses). This is a water-soluble protein, and anything in excess is excreted by the body. Vitamin C Overdose can cause diarrhea, gas, or stomach upset. Other side effects could be stomach cramps, nausea, and diarrhea, and an increased risk of developing kidney stones.During the therapeutic use of this vitamin, the dosage is usually increased significantly, but the toxicity level must be kept in mind.The average (Recommended dietary allowance) RDA is 60-80mg, per day. For adolescents it is 80 mg, 75 mg for adults, 100 mg during pregnancy and 150 mg during lactation.
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